
  • What is MariaDB?

    What is MariaDB?

    MariaDB is a free and open-source database management system that is a fork of the MySQL database management system. It was created by the original developers of MySQL, who decided to make MariaDB an open-source project after concerns arose about the acquisition of MySQL by Oracle Corporation. MariaDB is designed to be a drop-in replacement…

  • How to create an AI chatbot for Facebook Messenger

    How to create an AI chatbot for Facebook Messenger

    To create an AI chatbot for Facebook Messenger, you will need to use a chatbot building platform or a chatbot API. Here is a general outline of the steps you will need to follow: Note: Building a chatbot for Facebook Messenger requires some programming knowledge, as well as an understanding of chatbot design and machine…

  • How create an SQL INSERT statement from data in an Excel spreadsheet

    How create an SQL INSERT statement from data in an Excel spreadsheet

    To create an SQL INSERT statement from data in an Excel spreadsheet, you can follow these steps: Note: If you have a large number of rows to insert, you may want to use the INSERT INTO SELECT statement, which allows you to insert data from a SELECT statement into a table. This can be more…

  • How to install GitHub Copilot for Visual Studio Code?

    How to install GitHub Copilot for Visual Studio Code?

    To install GitHub Copilot for Visual Studio Code, follow these steps:

  • What is React?

    React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was developed by Facebook and is often used for building single-page applications and mobile applications. A React app is a web application that is built using the React library. It is typically implemented as a single-page application, meaning that the entire app is loaded in…

  • What is npx?

    npx is a tool that is included with npm, the package manager for JavaScript. It is a command-line utility that allows you to execute npm package binaries directly, without having to install the package globally on your system. Here are some examples of how npx can be used: npx is useful for situations where you…

  • How to refresh or resize a modal window in Bootstrap once the content has been rendered

    To refresh or resize a modal window in Bootstrap once the content has been rendered, you can use the $(‘#myModal’).modal(‘handleUpdate’) method. This method triggers the event, which updates the modal’s position and dimensions. Here is an example of how you can use the handleUpdate method to refresh or resize a modal window: You can…

  • How to increase the width of a modal window in Bootstrap

    To increase the width of a modal window in Bootstrap, you can use the .modal-dialog class and set the width property to a desired value in pixels or as a percentage of the viewport. Here is an example of how you can increase the width of a modal window in Bootstrap: This will set the…

  • How to create a comment text box using Razor syntax and an HTML helper in an ASP.NET MVC application

    To create a comment text box using Razor syntax and an HTML helper in an ASP.NET MVC application, you can use the Html.TextAreaFor method. This method generates an HTML <textarea> element that is bound to a model property. Here is an example of how you could use Html.TextAreaFor to create a comment text box in…

  • Things to know about your computer

    Things to know about your computer

    What is a recovery partition in windows? A recovery partition is a special section of a computer’s hard drive that contains files and instructions for restoring the system to its factory default state. In Windows, the recovery partition typically contains a copy of the operating system and other important system files, as well as tools…