When to wear mask; choosing the right mask

Masks are in short supply and should be used sparingly. Mask should not be worn just randomly and by just about anybody. Just two situation calls for wearing a mask.

When you are sick then wear face mask when around other people. (example sharing a room or in a vehicle) and when entering a healthcare provider’s office. If unable to wear mask due to issue breathing then do your best to cover coughs and sneezes, and people who are caring for you should wear a mask when they enter your room.

If you are not sick you do not need to wear a face mask unless you are caring for someone who is sick and they are unable to wear a face mask.

Now when you DO need to wear a face mask make sure they are N95 Respirator type and not the typical surgical mask type. The N95 type filters out 95% of airborne particles.

N95 Respirator Mask

Another example of N95 mask

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