What does “Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.” mean?

This message is usually displayed when you run the git push or git pull command to synchronize the local repository with a remote repository. It means that the master branch in the local repository is set up to track the master branch on the origin remote.

In Git, the origin remote is a default name that is used to refer to the remote repository from which you cloned the local repository. When you clone a repository, Git automatically creates a remote called origin and sets it to the URL of the repository that you cloned.

The master branch is the default branch in a Git repository. When you create a new repository, the master branch is created by default. The master branch is usually used to store the main or stable version of your code.

So, when you see this message, it means that the master branch in your local repository is tracking the master branch on the origin remote, and any changes you make to the master branch in your local repository will be pushed to the origin remote’s master branch, and vice versa.

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