
The GROUP BY clause in SQL is used to group rows in a result set based on the values in one or more columns. When a GROUP BY clause is added to a SELECT statement, the result set is sorted by the values in the specified columns, and all rows with the same values in those columns are grouped together and treated as a single group. The SELECT statement can then use aggregate functions, such as COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX, to provide summary information about each group. The result set will only contain one row for each unique group of values in the specified columns.


The basic syntax for using the GROUP BY clause in SQL is to include the GROUP BY keyword in the SELECT statement, followed by the column or columns that you want to group the data by.

For example, suppose you have a table called ‘orders’ with columns ‘id’, ‘customer_id’, ‘product’, and ‘quantity’. To group the orders by customer and product, and also include the unique ID of each order, you could use the following query:

SELECT id, customer_id, product, SUM(quantity) as total_quantity
FROM orders
GROUP BY customer_id, product;

This will return a result set with one row for each unique combination of customer_id and product, along with the total quantity ordered for each combination, and the id of the order.


The GROUPING SETS operator in T-SQL is used to perform multiple groupings of the data in a single query. It allows you to group the data by different combinations of columns, and then return the results in a single result set. This can be useful in situations where you need to generate summary reports that show different levels of detail or aggregate data in different ways.

SELECT column1, column2, aggregate_function(column3)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ( (column1, column2), (column2, column3) );

For example, suppose you have a table called ‘sales’ with columns ‘region’, ‘product’, ‘year’, and ‘sales_amount’. To group the sales data by region and product, and also by year and product, you could use the following query:

SELECT region, product, year, SUM(sales_amount) as total_sales
FROM sales
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ( (region, product), (year, product) );

This query will return a result set with one row for each unique combination of region and product, and also one row for each unique combination of year and product, along with the total sales amount for each combination.


The CUBE operator in T-SQL is used to generate a result set that shows the aggregate values for all possible combinations of the columns specified in the GROUP BY clause. It allows you to create a cross-tabulation or “pivot” of the data, which can be useful in situations where you need to analyze the data at different levels of detail or from different perspectives.

SELECT column1, column2, aggregate_function(column3)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column1, column2

For example, suppose you have a table called

‘sales’ with columns ‘region’, ‘product’, ‘year’, and ‘sales_amount’. To group the sales data by region and product, and also show the total sales for all possible combinations of these columns you could use the following query:

SELECT region, product, SUM(sales_amount) as total_sales
FROM sales
GROUP BY region, product

This query will return a result set with one row for each unique combination of region and product, as well as separate rows for the total sales by region, the total sales by product, and the overall total sales. In addition to the columns used in the GROUP BY clause, CUBE also creates a new column named “GROUPING” that can be used to identify the level of aggregation for each row.


The GROUP BY clause in SQL allows you to group rows in a result set based on the values in one or more columns, and then use aggregate functions to provide summary information about each group. The GROUPING SETS operator can be used to perform multiple groupings of the data in a single query, and CUBE operator allows you to generate a result set that shows the aggregate values for all possible combinations of the columns specified in the GROUP BY clause. These features can greatly simplify complex queries, and make it easier to analyze and understand large datasets, they are useful in situations where you need to generate summary reports or pivot tables.

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