In an exciting turn of events, a pug named Vito has been named the best in show at the 92nd annual National Dog Show Presented by Purina, marking the first time in over 20 years that this breed has received such a prestigious title. Vito has established himself as the top pug in show rankings and the second overall toy dog in the United States, following a successful showing at the Westminster Dog Show where he also took home the title of best of breed.
At just 2½ years old, Vito has already amassed an impressive total of 25 best-in-show titles, a feat that speaks volumes about his talent and appeal. His co-owner, Carolyn Koch from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, expressed her immense pride in Vito’s accomplishments, noting that pugs hold a special place in her heart.
Koch’s enthusiasm reflects a growing appreciation for pugs in the dog show arena, highlighting their charm and personality. As Vito continues to shine in competitions, he brings hope to the pug community and inspiration to dog enthusiasts nationwide.
This win not only celebrates Vito’s achievements but also showcases the diversity and unique qualities of various dog breeds in competitive events. The recognition of pugs at such a level can foster greater love for the breed among pet owners and admirers alike, creating a positive ripple effect in the dog-loving community.