Wordle Challenge: Can You Guess the Final Word of the Year?

The final Sunday of the year marks the completion of another Wordle game, with today’s puzzle being #1,289. For those looking for help, this guide provides hints and insights into the game, as well as the answer.

Wordle is a popular daily word game introduced in 2021, where players have to guess a single five-letter word, with everyone playing the same word each day. The game’s rise to fame was largely attributed to its shareable emoji-based grid feature that allows players to display their results with friends. In early 2022, The New York Times acquired Wordle, reporting that players engaged with the game a staggering 4.8 billion times in 2023.

To play Wordle, users input a five-letter word, and the game responses highlight correct letters (green for correct position, yellow for correct letters in the wrong position, and gray for incorrect letters). Players have six attempts to guess the daily word, and it’s noteworthy that letters can repeat in the chosen word.

The game is freely accessible via The New York Times website and app, refreshing daily at midnight local time. Gamers who subscribe to NYT Games can enjoy an extensive archive of over 1,200 past puzzles, and utilize the Wordlebot tool to analyze their performance.

For those eager to know today’s Wordle answer, the clues included: it’s a Cuban ballroom dance, features a pair of repeated letters, and begins with the letter ‘M.’ The answer is MAMBO.

Even if today’s word was challenging, players can take solace in the fact that another puzzle awaits tomorrow, continuing the fun and engagement of the Wordle community.

In summary, as we wrap up the year, Wordle continues to provide a delightful mental challenge and social connection for users worldwide. Here’s to more enjoyable games in the upcoming year!

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