The first full moon of 2025, known as the Wolf Moon, has made its debut, captivating stargazers since Sunday and extending its brilliance into Wednesday morning. This lunar phenomenon will reach peak illumination at 5:27 p.m. ET on Monday.
The name “Wolf Moon” has its roots in Native American culture, where it is said that wolf packs could often be heard howling around the villages during this time of year. This tradition of naming the moons, which the Maine Farmers’ Almanac has upheld since the 1930s, has become increasingly popular over the years.
In addition to the stunning view of the full moon, this lunar cycle will feature the moon passing in front of Mars, making for a remarkable sight as Mars is expected to be at its closest and brightest on Wednesday. Stargazers can also look forward to Venus and Jupiter being highly visible on Monday, with Mercury making an appearance during dawn throughout the upcoming week.
This celestial event serves as a beautiful reminder of the wonders of our universe, offering a chance for people to connect with nature and the cosmos. Whether you’re an avid astronomer or simply someone who enjoys looking at the night sky, the Wolf Moon promises to provide a spectacular show over the next few days.