The biographical film “Better Man,” centered around British pop icon Robbie Williams and directed by Michael Gracey, has faced a challenging debut at the U.S. box office, grossing just $1 million during its opening weekend. The film’s production cost was estimated at around $110 million, a substantial investment which led to Paramount acquiring it for only $25 million.
In the UK, however, the film performed slightly better, earning $1.9 million in its opening weekend and reaching a total of $4.7 million to date. According to David A. Gross, a consultant at Franchise Entertainment Research, the high production costs coupled with the unconventional choice of casting a CGI chimpanzee to portray the pop star has set the film up for failure. Gross noted that while the risk-taking element is commendable, a budget of $25 million to $30 million would have suited the biopic genre and the artist better.
Despite its box office struggles, critical reception for “Better Man” has been more favorable. Reviewers have highlighted the film’s unique approach and the emotional depth it attempts to convey. Clarisse Loughrey from The Independent praised the film, stating it convinces audiences of a CGI chimp capturing the complexities of Williams’ journey through stardom and personal struggles. The film offers viewers a glimpse into Williams’ rise to fame from his start in the iconic boy band Take That, alongside the tabloids’ relentless scrutiny of his life.
Social media reactions reflect a mixed understanding of Williams’ fame, with some American viewers admitting they are unfamiliar with his work. However, there are defenders who laud the film for its creative ambition and passion behind its making, suggesting it deserves more attention.
In summary, while “Better Man” is struggling at the box office, it has garnered praise from critics who see value in its narrative crafted through an unusual lens. This juxtaposition of commercial performance and critical acclaim poses a fascinating commentary on the evolving landscape of biopics, where storytelling can transcend traditional portrayals, even amid financial disappointment.
The unique nature of this biopic, with its innovative use of animation, opens up new possibilities for future films about iconic figures, potentially inspiring filmmakers to explore bold storytelling avenues.