LOUISVILLE, Ky. — This year, a rare occurrence is set to happen as Hanukkah and Christmas fall on the same day for the first time in nearly two decades, with the last overlap occurring in 2005.
The Hebrew calendar, which determines the timing of Hanukkah, varies each year, leading to its start date shifting between late November and December. Hanukkah, often referred to as the Festival of Lights, commemorates the miracle of reclaiming the Jewish second temple over 2,000 years ago from the control of the Syrians and Greeks.
The Jewish Federation of Louisville, through President and CEO Sara Klein Wagner, noted the unpredictability of Hanukkah’s timing. “You never know when Hanukkah is coming. Sometimes it’s been on Thanksgiving, and sometimes it’s early December,” Wagner explained.
Wagner emphasized the holiday’s significance for independence and religious expression, stating, “What it’s really about is the independence of being able to be who you are religiously… It’s extra special that everybody can have something to celebrate.”
Hanukkah spans eight days, marking the miracle where a small quantity of oil meant to last for one day kept the temple’s menorah lit for eight days. Marlene Gordon, a local community member, reflected on the joy associated with Hanukkah, sharing that she plans to host two festive parties featuring traditional foods such as latkes and sufganiyot, jelly donuts.
In addition to food, the dreidel game represents another cherished tradition, historically played to disguise Jewish practices during times of oppression. “It’s about teaching the next generation the stories of Jewish tradition, and this is a really fun one to teach,” Wagner added.
The next time Hanukkah and Christmas will coincide will be in 2035, but this year, the Trager Jewish Community Center is inviting everyone to join a community celebration on December 30 to honor and celebrate Hanukkah.
This event and the dual celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas this year signify a beautiful opportunity for shared joy and community spirit, bringing together people from different backgrounds in a collective celebration of light and hope during the holiday season.