Citizens of Super Earth, remain vigilant! As the threats from the Illuminate persist, the Helldivers are fully prepared to confront them on every front — in the streets, at your doorsteps, and across city lines. The Ministry of Defense is thrilled to announce the launch of the Urban Legends Premium Warbond, now available for all Helldivers!
Your battles have taken you through rugged terrains like swamps and deserts. But what specialized equipment do you need to push back against the invaders in urban settings?
In urban combat, where narrow streets and intense close-quarters battles are inevitable, we are introducing the SQC-19 Stun Lance, a new melee secondary weapon. This extra-long melee tool offers substantial range and complements the SH-51 Directional Shield stratagem perfectly for your street-level skirmishes.
You might also find the E/AT-12 Anti-Tank Emplacement invaluable for dealing with tougher foes in population centers. This defensive installation provides powerful offensive capabilities that can dismantle even the most solid defenses of the Illuminate.
Facing a wave of Voteless foes? The A/FLAM-40 Flame Sentry will rise to the occasion! This powerful stationary flamethrower turret packs a punch but requires cautious handling – a direct hit on its red ammo canister can cause it to explode, making it a double-edged sword in the heat of battle.
While you hold your ground using the shield and lance, don’t forget about the Armed Resupply Pods booster. This enhancement includes a compact turret mounted on the resupply pods to protect you while you gather vital ammunition. A tactical approach will keep you secure during visits to the ammo drop.
For those who prefer a defensive edge, the SR-18 Roadblock heavy armor is here to transform you into a formidable wall against the enemy. With its striking Spartan-style helmet and mighty shoulder pauldrons, you’ll command respect on the battlefield. Alternatively, the agile SR-24 Street Scout armor offers swift movement and is inspired by S.E.A.F troops, giving you flexibility without sacrificing performance.
Both armors are equipped with the Siege Ready passive, boosting primary weapon reload speed by 30% and increasing your primary ammo capacity by 20%.
Additionally, the Urban Legends offer stylish capes in gray and yellow themes — the Greatcloak of Rebar Resolve features an oversized skull design, while the Holder of the Yellow Line stands out with its sleek, asymmetrical appearance. You can also customize your gear with urban camouflage patterns, Concrete Jungle, which will be available for various equipment and crafts.
In these challenging times, rest assured knowing the enhanced arsenal from the Ministry of Defense will empower the citizens of Super Earth’s colonies. Gear up and join the fight for security and democracy in Urban Legends, available today!
In summary, this release not only equips players with formidable new gear and weapons to enhance their gameplay but also reinforces the narrative of unity and resilience among the citizens of Super Earth against outside threats. It’s a call to arms, reminding players that they are empowered to make a difference in this continued battle for freedom.