This holiday season, “Carpool Karaoke” is delivering its inaugural Christmas special, titled “A Carpool Karaoke Christmas,” available for streaming on Apple TV starting Monday in the U.S. and Friday worldwide. The festive episode features pop icons Dua Lipa, Chappell Roan, and Lady Gaga, each taking a turn in the passenger seat next to host Zane Lowe as they traverse different cities.
While the stars aren’t carpooling together, the format remains engaging as each artist showcases their hit songs and shares personal stories in their individual segments. The show originated as a comedic segment on James Corden’s “The Late Late Show” and has since evolved into a popular series that captures the relatable side of famous musicians.
Chappell Roan kicks off the special, bringing Lowe to her hometown of Missouri. During their drive, the emotional moment hits as Roan performs “Pink Pony Club” with her parents in tow. Her mother expresses her pride and love for Roan, while her father reflects on the hope his daughter embodies for others. The segment also highlights Roan’s journey from her roots to finding her own voice in the music industry.
Dua Lipa’s segment takes viewers to Tokyo, where she performs her hits like “New Rules” and shares insights into her experiences with breakup anthems. She connects with fans who have found solace in her music, emphasizing how art can influence and heal relationships.
Finally, Lady Gaga’s segment returns to Los Angeles, where she explores her lesser-known holiday track “Christmas Tree,” delivering humor with its cheeky lyrics. An exciting twist comes with a cameo from Brian Johnson of AC/DC, adding star power to her carpool moment. Gaga also surprises with a wardrobe change for her collaboration “Die With A Smile.”
The special concludes with a collaborative recording of “Santa Clause is Coming to Town,” showcasing a rock-inspired twist. Zane Lowe expressed his enthusiasm, reflecting on the joy of creating the special and connecting with these remarkable artists.
In summary, “A Carpool Karaoke Christmas” promises a delightful mix of heartfelt stories, musical performances, and festive spirit, reminding viewers of the joy and connection music brings, especially during the holiday season. This special captures not only the festive cheer but also the personal journeys of these artists, offering a sense of hope and inspiration to all who watch.