Netflix’s “Missing You,” based on Harlan Coben’s 2014 novel, masterfully intertwines mystery and romance against a backdrop of secrets and unexpected discoveries. The five-part series, which premiered in 2025, follows Detective Inspector Kat Donovan, portrayed by Rosalind Eleazar, as she navigates the complexities of her father’s murder while reconnecting with her past relationship with ex-fiancé Josh, played by Ashley Walters.
Set in the U.K., the narrative begins with Kat’s pursuit of the truth surrounding her father’s death and leads her into the world of online dating where she unexpectedly encounters Josh’s profile. The plot escalates as Kat attempts to unravel the mystery of a missing man, further tying her past and present into a thrilling narrative.
The finale brings several jaw-dropping moments that tie up loose ends while maintaining an air of suspense. In a pivotal scene, Kat finally meets Josh, only to discover the complications of his past. The couple shares undeniable chemistry, yet Kat’s tumultuous emotions drive her to flee before they can clarify their history. Meanwhile, the danger escalates as Kat’s friend Dana, played by Lisa Faulkner, attempts to escape from captors who threaten her and her son.
As the tension mounts, viewers are treated to a gripping sequence where Kat confronts Titus, the antagonist who kidnaps her son. In a high-stakes showdown, she ultimately saves Dana and Brendan, showcasing her strength and determination.
The conclusion is filled with emotional revelations, as Kat learns more about her father’s secret life and also confronts the shocking truth surrounding his murder. It is unveiled that her love, Josh, was inadvertently involved in her father’s death, leading to an emotional climax that tests the limits of loyalty, love, and forgiveness.
In the end, Kat’s journey is about more than just solving a crime; it reflects on healing and moving forward amidst life’s complexities. “Missing You” not only captivates with its intricately woven plot but also leaves viewers contemplating the nature of relationships and the weight of hidden truths.
Overall, this series serves as an engaging reminder of how understanding complicated histories can reshape our present and forge paths toward healing and reconciliation. “Missing You” is now available for streaming on Netflix, encouraging audiences to dive into this riveting tale of love, loss, and the pursuit of truth.