On December 2, Park Min-jae’s agency, Big Title, shared the heartbreaking news of the actor’s passing on social media. The post expressed deep gratitude for the love and support fans had shown to Park, stating, “The beautiful actor, Park Min-jae, who loved acting and always gave his best, has passed away.” They conveyed their condolences, emphasizing that although his performances will be missed, he will be fondly remembered as a member of the Big Title family.
The CEO of Big Title, Hwang Ju-hye, also expressed his sorrow, describing the news as sudden and shocking. He reminisced about Park’s dreams and aspirations, noting, “The guy who said he would conquer China and go on a month-long trip has gone on a much longer journey.” Hwang shared his heartfelt sympathies for the family’s unimaginable loss, expressing gratitude for the brief time he was able to represent the esteemed actor.
Park’s brother provided information about the upcoming funeral service, scheduled for December 4 at Ewha Women’s University Seoul Hospital Funeral Hall. He poignantly shared, “My beloved elder brother has left us for a long rest,” and hoped that many would attend to pay their respects, mentioning the difficulty of reaching out to everyone.
Park Min-jae gained notoriety for his role in the 2023 drama “Korea–Khitan War,” based on Gil Seung-soo’s acclaimed novel. His impressive body of work includes notable roles in popular series such as “Little Women” (2022), “True to Love” (2023), “Numbers” (2023), and Netflix’s “The Fabulous” (2022).
This tragic loss reminds us of the profound impact that artists can have on our lives and the legacy they leave behind through their art. While the community mourns, fans and colleagues alike are encouraged to celebrate Park Min-jae’s contributions to the entertainment industry and remember the joy he brought through his work. His spirit will undoubtedly live on in the memories of those who cherished his performances.