Sophie Hediger, a talented 26-year-old snowboarder and Olympian, tragically lost her life in an avalanche in Arosa, Switzerland, on Monday. The incident occurred while she was engaged in freeriding, a style of snowboarding on natural terrain, according to a statement from Swiss-Ski, the national winter sports federation.
Walter Reusser, the CEO of Sport at Swiss-Ski, expressed the deep sorrow felt by the organization, stating, “We are stunned and our thoughts are with Sophie’s family, to whom we offer our deepest condolences.” Hediger was riding alongside another individual on a closed black diamond slope when the avalanche struck after they ventured off the designated area. The other party promptly contacted rescue services, but despite their efforts, Hediger was pronounced dead at the scene following unsuccessful attempts at CPR.
In respect of her family’s wishes, Swiss-Ski has announced that it will not release further details about the incident and has requested privacy for her loved ones during this difficult time. “For the Swiss-Ski family, the tragic death of Sophie Hediger casts a dark shadow over the Christmas days,” added Walter Reusser, the alpine director for Swiss-Ski. “We are immensely sad. We will keep a moving memory of Sophie.”
Hediger, who was originally from Horgen near Zurich, had a deep connection to Arosa, where she spent significant time and ultimately lost her life. This season, she achieved remarkable success, earning her first two World Cup podium finishes, including a second place in St. Moritz, Switzerland, and a third place in Gudauri, Georgia. Hediger also had aspirations of winning a medal in the upcoming Ski Freestyle and Snowboard World Championships scheduled for March in Engadin, Switzerland, as well as competing in the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, where she fulfilled her dream of participating on the world stage.
This heartbreaking event serves as a reminder of the risks that athletes face in pursuing their passion and the impact of loss on both the sporting community and their families. As tributes pour in, Hediger’s legacy will undoubtedly inspire future generations of snowboarders to chase their dreams with the same fervor she demonstrated throughout her career.