A tragic incident unfolded in New York City when Debrina Kawam, a 57-year-old woman from Toms River, New Jersey, was set on fire while asleep on a subway train. The horrifying event, which took place at the Coney Island-Stillwell Avenue station in Brooklyn, has left the community in shock and mourning.
Mayor Eric Adams expressed his condolences to the victim’s family and called attention to the broader issue of homelessness, emphasizing that individuals should receive care rather than live on the subway system. He described the incident as “horrific” and a painful reminder of the vulnerabilities some people face.
The accused, 33-year-old Sebastian Zapeta, allegedly used a lighter to ignite the fire and then fanned the flames with a shirt. He now faces serious charges, including first-degree murder and first-degree arson. Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez has stated the case is strong, as the charges could potentially lead to life imprisonment due to the severity of the crime.
Additionally, the mayor’s office is advocating for federal charges against Zapeta, highlighting the brutality of the crime. It has been revealed that he initially entered the U.S. illegally from Guatemala in 2018, was deported, but subsequently re-entered the country.
This tragic story highlights the ongoing challenges related to homelessness and mental health in urban environments, while also demonstrating the legal system’s response to violent crimes. It serves as a reminder of the importance of supporting vulnerable members of society and ensuring that those who commit such acts are held accountable.
As the case progresses, it is hoped that justice will be served for Debrina Kawam, and that her story may raise awareness about the pressing need for resources for those experiencing homelessness and other societal issues.