Each Christmas Eve, a cherished tradition unfolds as children from all corners of the globe excitedly track Santa Claus on his magical journey, delivering presents and spreading joy. This year, over 100,000 youngsters are expected to call the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) for updates, while millions more will follow Santa’s travels online in nine different languages, including English and Japanese.
Typically, NORAD focuses on monitoring the skies for potential threats; however, on Christmas Eve, the command takes on a more festive role. Dedicated volunteers in Colorado Springs answer calls, responding to eager questions like, “When is Santa coming to my house?” and “Am I on the naughty or nice list?” These interactions are filled with laughter and joy, embodying the spirit of the season.
The tradition began in an unexpected way back in 1955 when a child unintentionally dialed the norems number of the Continental Air Defense Command after seeing an advertisement urging kids to call Santa at a listed number. Colonel Harry W. Shoup, who answered the call, quickly transformed a potential mix-up into a delightful exchange, adopting a jolly persona to assure the child that he was indeed Santa. This serendipitous event sparked the celebration of Santa tracking that continues to this day.
The original idea was bolstered further in the early years with a simple drawing of Santa on a map, humorously establishing this breach of military protocol as a heartwarming public relations opportunity. Over the years, this practice has evolved, incorporating advanced technology. The NORAD tradition has become one of few modern adaptations of Santa’s narrative that have stood the test of time.
Air Force Lt. Gen. Case Cunningham explained that NORAD’s sophisticated radar systems detect Santa as he begins his journey, and interestingly, they can track Rudolph by the heat emitted from his famous glowing nose. This year, families can track Santa through NORAD’s dedicated app and website, as well as via phone calls to live operators.
As Christmas approaches, the joy of tracking Santa provides a wonderful opportunity for families to come together, ignite the imagination of children, and continue a tradition that unites us in the spirit of the season.
Overall, NORAD’s tracking of Santa not only achieves its original goal of boosting troop morale years ago but endures as a celebration of kindness and whimsy that connects generations. It’s a heartfelt reminder that during this busy season, the spirit of giving and joy can be illuminated through actions as simple and beautiful as a child’s excitement on Christmas Eve.