Every Christmas Eve, Santa Claus embarks on his incredible journey around the globe, a tradition that has gained popularity through modern tracking methods. The North American Aerospace Defense Command, commonly referred to as NORAD, has taken on the joyful task of monitoring Santa’s route since 1955. This unique practice began somewhat accidentally when a young boy from Colorado Springs misdialed the number meant to connect him with Santa and instead reached NORAD.
Air Force Colonel Harry W. Shoup, who answered the call, humorously engaged the boy by adopting a “deep, jolly” Santa-like voice, and a new tradition was born. As the mistake led to a flurry of calls from eager children sharing their Christmas wish lists, NORAD embraced the opportunity, turning it into a way to connect with children and families everywhere.
The official NORAD “Tracks Santa” initiative provides a live map where people can follow Santa’s Christmas Eve journey. This year, the tracking service began on December 1, with the real-time tracking kicking off from 4 a.m. to midnight MST on Christmas Eve. The website is available in multiple languages, ensuring families across the world can participate.
Additionally, families can interact with live operators by calling 1-877-HI-NORAD on December 24. Google also engages in the festivities with its own Santa Tracker, featuring interactive games and activities aimed at fun and education.
This heartwarming blend of military defense and holiday cheer not only keeps the spirit of Christmas alive for millions but also serves as a reminder of the joy and magic of the season. For many, tracking Santa has become a cherished holiday tradition, bringing families together to share in the excitement as Santa makes his way down chimneys around the world.
Overall, NORAD’s Christmas Eve tracking not only spreads joy but also showcases a delightful intersection of community and holiday spirit, turning a simple mix-up into a global celebration.