Tim Allen and Kat Dennings are returning to the small screen in a fresh new ABC comedy titled “Shifting Gears,” which is set to premiere on Wednesday. The show centers around Matt (portrayed by Allen), a widower running a car restoration shop, who experiences a significant turning point when his estranged daughter, Riley (played by Dennings), unexpectedly moves in with her teenagers. Their reunion presents an opportunity to mend the strained relationship that has developed over years of separation and misunderstandings.
The show promises to tackle serious themes with humor, focusing on the generational differences between Matt and Riley as they navigate family dynamics and discuss relatable life issues. According to Michelle Nader, the series’ new showrunner and executive producer, the combination of Allen’s and Dennings’ distinct voices allows the show to address both personal and societal topics while providing a good dose of laughter.
Nader expressed excitement about working with Dennings again, emphasizing the strong chemistry between the two leads which, she believes, will capture the audience’s attention. Her previous collaborations with Dennings on “2 Broke Girls” and “Dollface” have allowed them to develop a productive creative relationship, contributing positively to the show’s progress.
In addition to comic relief, “Shifting Gears” explores deeper emotions surrounding family healing, as both Matt and Riley address their individual journeys—Riley dealing with the implications of her recent separation, and Matt handling the grief of losing his wife. As the series progresses, viewers can expect to see both characters opening themselves up to new romantic possibilities, leading to what could become an intriguing second season.
The show aims to modernize traditional sitcom elements while preserving the charming aspects audiences appreciate, which includes the much-loved laugh track and rhythmic humor. “Shifting Gears” is not just a nostalgic nod to classic sitcoms, but also a fresh take that resonates with viewers today.
“Shifting Gears” is set to air Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT and will be available for streaming on Hulu the following day.
In summary, “Shifting Gears” not only aims to offer light-hearted entertainment but also holds the potential to resonate with viewers on a deeper emotional level as it navigates themes of family, healing, and re-discovery. The combination of Tim Allen’s established presence and Kat Dennings’ fresh energy could create a winning formula for audiences looking for laughter and meaningful storytelling.