The Personal Touch of Luxury: How Jaclyn Sienna India Redefined Travel Concierge Services

When Jaclyn Sienna India established Sienna Charles, her luxury travel concierge service, in 2008, she was committed to projecting confidence despite the challenges of starting a business. In the early days, India faced skepticism, even from her husband, as her phone rang with requests from potential clients inspired by her articles, while she had no actual customers. She deftly maneuvered responses, claiming the service was fully booked with high-net-worth individuals.

Fast forward sixteen years, and India’s perseverance has yielded impressive results. She now counts numerous high-profile clients, including former U.S. President George W. Bush and celebrities like Mariah Carey. Her services cater to clients who earn over $100 million annually, individuals who might seemingly have it all. So what distinguishes India’s offerings?

India emphasizes that success in her field is not merely about status. “My clients are far more powerful than I am, yet it’s the personal touch that truly makes a difference,” she explains. Drawing from her experience as a server for five years, she understands the importance of attentiveness and genuine care in her interactions.

Sienna Charles boasts an extensive network of over 2,000 contacts within the hospitality sector, enabling India to curate exceptional travel and dining experiences. She expresses that her clients often have a vision for what they want but lack the resources to realize it. “I possess a unique ability to capture their vision with just a few words and translate that into reality,” she noted.

India’s priority is not just to deliver exclusive access but to ensure that the experiences she crafts bring genuine enjoyment. She critiques popular choices like the three-Michelin-starred French Laundry, suggesting that alternatives like Single Thread Farms offer a more engaging experience, and thus, she refrains from promoting the former.

Her work often results in unforgettable events, such as a candlelight dinner at the Palace of Versailles or brunch atop the Arc de Triomphe. Furthermore, she loves to create moments where clients can connect with notable figures, having organized breakfasts with the Hermes family and lunches with the Fendi family in Rome.

However, her approach can also embrace simplicity. When Bush visited Ethiopia, India arranged for him to have familiar comforts like peanut butter and non-alcoholic beer, and he was welcomed by local children wearing Texas Rangers caps.

“I genuinely care about people,” she says, illustrating her commitment to understanding the nuances of her clients’ needs by engaging with everyone from taxi drivers to restaurant staff. For India, the essence of travel is not solely about luxury, but about crafting authentic experiences that resonate meaningfully with her clientele.

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