Every year, Santa Claus embarks on his incredible journey on Christmas Eve, and following his travels has become a cherished global tradition. This beloved practice of tracking Santa’s route got its start in 1955 thanks to a seemingly accidental phone call to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) from a young boy in Colorado Springs, who intended to reach Santa.
The story goes that a Sears advertisement mistakenly listed NORAD’s phone number instead of Santa’s. When the boy called, Air Force Col. Harry W. Shoup answered. Rather than disappointing the child, Shoup decided to play along in a “deep, jolly” voice, saying, “Ho, ho, ho! Yes, I am Santa Claus. Have you been a good boy?” This playful interaction ignited a wonderful tradition that has continued over the decades.
From that first call, NORAD quickly became known as the unofficial authority on Santa’s whereabouts, fielding numerous calls from excited children and parents each holiday season. NORAD keeps the magic alive by posting real-time updates on social media and updating its website throughout Christmas Eve, allowing millions to track Santa’s progress as he makes his rounds delivering gifts.
The NORAD “Tracks Santa” initiative formally began over the years, with the website going live on December 1. However, the excitement peaks on Christmas Eve, when visitors can follow Santa’s global journey from 4 a.m. to midnight MST / 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. EST. The tracking map is accessible in multiple languages and supports a dedicated app available on major platforms.
Families can also engage with Santa’s journey through various channels, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and X, as well as by calling 1-877-HI-NORAD for live updates on December 24. In addition to NORAD’s efforts, Google has introduced its own Santa Tracker, featuring games, quizzes, and family activities to enhance the holiday celebration.
As the holiday season approaches, the joy of tracking Santa exemplifies the spirit of Christmas, bringing families together in anticipation and wonder. This delightful tradition not only spreads holiday cheer but also bridges generations, reminding us all of the magic that accompanies this special time of year. Watching Santa’s journey live is a way for families to connect and create lasting memories, making Christmas even more magical.