This week, the beloved series “Superman & Lois” concluded its run after four seasons and 53 episodes, marking the end of an era for superhero television on The CW. The final episode, titled “It Went by So Fast,” proved to be a poignant farewell that not only satisfied long-time fans but also brought closure to its main characters in a meaningful way.
The last installment began immediately after the previous episode’s climax, where Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and their sons fought to protect Smallville from the unleashed threat of Doomsday, manipulated by Lex Luthor. With the help of John Henry Irons and Mayor Lana Lang, they successfully subdued Doomsday, and Clark took the creature to the sun, where it relinquished itself in a sacrifice.
In the aftermath, the series followed the ongoing struggle against Lex Luthor, who donned John Henry’s armor. After a fierce aerial battle in which Clark was tested with kryptonite-infused weaponry, he ultimately triumphed, dismantling Luthor’s suit and putting an end to his villainy.
The story fast-forwards a year into the future, showcasing significant developments in the lives of the characters. John Henry Irons and Lana Lang tie the knot, while Kyle Cushing and Chrissy Beppo welcome a baby boy, with plans for another child. Additionally, Lana and Kyle’s daughter, Sarah, returns from her studies in Greece, hinting at further adventures. As for Lex Luthor, he faces a life sentence in Stryker’s Prison, having lost his final appeal.
However, it was the emotional climax of the finale that resonated most deeply with viewers. The show had built a narrative surrounding Clark’s mortality, emphasizing that with his new heart gifted by his father-in-law, Sam Lane, he would eventually face death. This theme culminated in the final moments of the episode, where Clark, narrated by Tyler Hoechlin, reflected on the past 32 years of his life filled with love, family, and acts of kindness. The narrative carried the weight of loss as Lois eventually succumbed to cancer, passing away peacefully surrounded by her family. A few years later, Clark also passed on, peacefully welcomed to the afterlife by memories of his loved ones.
This closing scene was not only beautifully crafted but also served to encapsulate the themes of joy, hope, forgiveness, friendship, family, and love, which are central to the character of Superman. Viewers were left with a moving reminder of what truly matters in life and the lasting legacy of the series.
The finale of “Superman & Lois” has cemented itself as a memorable chapter in television history, showcasing a touching and thoughtful conclusion that left fans reflecting on the show’s impact. This ending has ignited conversations that will likely continue for years, affirming the series’ place among the best in superhero storytelling.
Overall, “Superman & Lois” may have ended, but its legacy of heartfelt storytelling and relatable character arcs will surely live on.