Brenton Wood, renowned for his iconic 1967 hit “Oogum Boogum,” has passed away at the age of 83. His publicist, Manny Gallegos, confirmed that Wood was found unresponsive at his home in Moreno Valley on Friday morning.
Gallegos shared that he spent the previous evening with Wood, enjoying a piano session together. In a heartfelt message to fans, Wood had previously expressed that he wanted them to know he would “catch you on the rebound” when he passed.
In the year leading up to his death, Wood had been grappling with illness, which had gradually limited his activities. Gallegos mentioned that Wood’s health had continued to decline during this time.
Brenton Wood’s legacy in the music industry will undoubtedly live on through his timeless hits, also serving as a reminder of the impact he had on soul music. His ability to connect with audiences through his soulful voice and lyrics has left an indelible mark. As we remember his contributions, it’s essential to honor his artistry and the joy he brought to many through his music.
This moment may be somber, but it also reflects the enduring power of music to touch lives, creating a lasting bond between artists and their fans.