Tom Hanks kicked off the season finale of “Saturday Night Live” (SNL) for 2024, welcomed by an ecstatic audience in Studio 8H. Adorned in his Five-Timers Club jacket, Hanks launched into a lighthearted explanation about the club, which he humorously noted he created in 1990 as a way to sidestep writing a monologue. He celebrated the exclusive club’s latest inductee.
Paul Rudd, another Five-Timers member, joined him on stage while holding a cocktail, which led to playful banter about the club’s inner workings. They welcomed Martin Short to the stage, who expressed fabricated surprise at his induction. The trio displayed the “Secret Five-Timer’s Club Handshake,” further amusing the audience.
The festivities continued as former “SNL” head writer Tina Fey arrived to congratulate Short, followed by current cast member Bowen Yang, who presented a signature cocktail named the “Marty-tini.” The chuckles didn’t stop there; Alec Baldwin made an entrance boasting about his record 17 hosting gigs, and Scarlett Johansson jokingly interrupted her husband, Colin Jost.
Kristen Wiig also participated, humorously referencing a previously taken hot yoga class with Short. As the gathering became more informal, the club members began sharing lighthearted secrets, with Hanks joking about never contracting Covid, which he famously contracted early in the pandemic.
A flurry of surprise cameos followed, including Melissa McCarthy and Emma Stone, leading to uproarious moments. The sketch culminated with a comedic mishap featuring McCarthy before Hanks welcomed former cast member Jimmy Fallon to present Short with his Five-Timers Club jacket in a jokingly fitting size.
The show ended with all Five-Timers ensemble declaring, “Live, from New York, it’s Saturday Night!” setting the tone for a fun-filled finale, with singer Hozier as the musical guest.
This delightful episode not only celebrated the enduring legacy of the Five-Timers Club but also brought together some of the most beloved names in comedy, showcasing the strong community built within the show over the years.
The camaraderie and humor displayed among these stars highlight the spirit and joy that SNL continues to cultivate, reminding audiences of the warmth that can be found in laughter and entertainment.