“Saturday Night Live” humorously targeted the upcoming Bob Dylan biopic, “A Complete Unknown,” starring Timothée Chalamet, which is set to premiere on Christmas Day. In a sketch that mimicked the film’s red-carpet debut, Chloe Fineman portrayed Chalamet, sharing tales of her “Brat Summer,” a playful nod to a current cultural trend linked to music artist Charli XCX.
As the sketch unfolded, a fictional Buzzfeed reporter noticed Bob Dylan, played by James Austin Johnson, and excitedly inquired if he had experienced a “Brat Summer.” Dylan, quintessentially misunderstood due to his deep voice, thought the question pertained to bratwurst, setting the stage for further comedic exchanges.
Fineman’s Chalamet expressed admiration for Dylan, who pivoted the conversation to his hunger and the culinary delights available at the event. The humor escalated with the spontaneous appearance of Bruce Springsteen, humorously injecting a reference to his song “Born to Run” while commenting on the refreshments at the premiere.
After some amusing banter, Springsteen shared his ridiculous childhood story related to a chocolate factory town, concluding with a disclaimer that it was fictional. The sketch took a turn when Bono appeared, responding to a similar question about his summer. He brought a serious tone to the humor, emphasizing the urgency of climate change. He mentioned a recent documentary titled “Hot Frosty,” focusing on the effects of global warming, which added a thoughtful layer to the lighthearted satire.
In addition to the fun commentary surrounding the film, tonight’s episode marked the hosting debut of “Gladiator II” actor Paul Mescal, with artist Shaboozey serving as the musical guest.
This entertaining take on “A Complete Unknown” showcases not only the film’s high profile but also exemplifies how satire can address pressing issues, blending humor with relevant themes. As the holiday season approaches, audiences can look forward to both the film and the continued laughter brought to them by shows like “SNL.”