Pamela Hayden, a cherished voice actor from “The Simpsons,” recently revealed her decision to leave the beloved animated series after over 35 years of dedicated service. Known for voicing characters such as Milhouse Van Houten, Rod Flanders, and Jimbo Jones, Hayden has been an integral part of the show since its inception in 1989.
In an announcement made by Fox, it was confirmed that her final episode will air this Sunday. Hayden expressed that her choice to retire came after much thought, as she aims to explore new creative opportunities. She expressed her gratitude to fans for their continued love and support.
Hayden’s contributions to the show are notable, with nearly 700 episodes under her belt. Throughout her tenure, she not only voiced recurring characters but also provided voices for various unnamed extras. Milhouse, characterized by his clumsiness and unwavering resilience, holds a special place in her heart, as she appreciates his ability to bounce back after facing challenges.
In addition to her role on “The Simpsons,” Hayden has lent her talent to multiple spinoff video games and the show’s feature film released in 2007. Her voice can also be heard in other animated series like “Lloyd in Space,” “Hey Arnold!,” and “Turbo Teen.”
Series creator Matt Groening acknowledged Hayden’s impact and memorable portrayals, stating that her absence will be felt by the entire team. The search for her successor will begin soon to continue the legacy she leaves behind.
Hayden’s last performance will be featured in the annual “Treehouse of Horror” episode, titled “Simpsons Wicked This Way Comes,” which follows Lisa Simpson navigating a series of eerie adventures. The episode airs Sunday at 8 p.m.
In a heartfelt Instagram post, Hayden shared a moment with a cutout of Milhouse, highlighting her affection for the character she brought to life for so long. As “The Simpsons” enters a new chapter, fans can look forward to celebrating Hayden’s remarkable legacy while also embracing the future of the iconic series.
This moment serves as a bittersweet reminder of the transitions in the world of entertainment and the endless possibilities that await those brave enough to pursue new paths.