Illustration of Save Tikki: Help an Urgent Fight Against Pangolin Extinction this Giving Tuesday!

Save Tikki: Help an Urgent Fight Against Pangolin Extinction this Giving Tuesday!



On this Giving Tuesday, a call for compassion echoes from Nigeria, where an eight-month-old pangolin pup named Tikki is in urgent need of assistance. Pangolins, often targeted by poachers, face a severe risk of extinction, making every effort to safeguard their lives critical. Tikki’s plight highlights the ongoing struggle for these vulnerable creatures as she was rescued from deplorable conditions at a bushmeat market, having been found in a filthy sack and infested with numerous ticks.

Thanks to the tireless dedication of the Greenfingers Wildlife Conservation Initiative (GWCI), Tikki has been provided medical care, including the painstaking removal of hundreds of ticks that were draining her strength. She now requires constant monitoring and specialized milk formula for her recovery, which costs approximately $100 (£77) per month—a significant amount in a country where the average minimum wage falls below $42 (£32.50).

Your support today can directly impact Tikki’s chance of survival and contribute to the broader fight against the extinction of pangolins. Each donation not only helps Tikki but also supports the rescue efforts for other pangolins in similar distressing situations throughout West Africa, where harmful practices continue to threaten their existence.

With your generosity, Tikki and her fellow survivors can receive the care they desperately need. Every contribution counts, and a single life saved can significantly affect the future of the entire species. The fate of pangolins relies on the compassion of people like you.

Please consider making a donation this Giving Tuesday to help ensure a brighter future for Tikki and her fellow pangolins. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against extinction and safeguard the planet’s biodiversity.

Every act of kindness, no matter how small, is a step toward preserving our wildlife and nurturing the environment for generations to come. Join us in this noble cause and spread awareness among your friends and family.

Summary: On Giving Tuesday, support is urgently needed for Tikki, an eight-month-old pangolin pup rescued from dire conditions in Nigeria. With ongoing threats from poachers, your donations can provide her with crucial medical care and the specialized nutrition required for her survival. Every contribution helps in the mission to protect pangolins and combat their extinction.

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