Scottish actor Rory McCann, renowned for his portrayal of Sandor Clegane, also known as The Hound, on HBO’s acclaimed series Game of Thrones, has been cast to replace the late Ray Stevenson in the second season of the Star Wars series Ahsoka. The news has been confirmed by The Hollywood Reporter.
Ray Stevenson was known for his role as Baylan Skoll, a formidable former Jedi, in the Disney+ series. His untimely passing in May 2023, following a brief illness, occurred just a few months prior to the show’s premiere, leaving a significant gap in the series. McCann’s casting marks a poignant transition for the beloved character, highlighting the show’s commitment to continuing its narrative despite the challenges posed by the loss of a talented actor.
This casting decision may bring a new dimension to the character, as McCann is known for his strong performances and physical presence. Fans of both Game of Thrones and the Star Wars universe are likely to be intrigued by McCann’s involvement in the franchise.
In summary, while the loss of Ray Stevenson is felt deeply, Rory McCann’s entry into the Star Wars universe provides an opportunity for fresh storytelling and character development in Ahsoka. This transition is a hopeful reminder of the continuity of creative endeavors in the face of personal tragedies.