In December, the biopic “Better Man,” centered on British pop star Robbie Williams, was released by Paramount Pictures and received a mixed reception from audiences. This unique film narrates Williams’ journey from a teenage member of the boy band Take That to his successful solo career, highlighting both his triumphs and struggles with addiction. Notably, the film employs a CGI monkey in place of Williams himself, a choice that has sparked debate among critics and viewers alike.
Directed by Michael Gracey, known for “The Greatest Showman,” the film features several of Williams’ hit songs, including “Angels,” “Rock DJ,” and “She’s The One.” It also showcases an original composition titled “Forbidden Road.” Although the track gained acclaim and was acknowledged with a nomination for the Golden Globes as well as consideration for the Oscars, it was later disqualified from the Oscars shortlist. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences cited that the song included elements from “I Got a Name,” a classic song by Jim Croce, which led to the decision to maintain the integrity of the awards categories.
Facing the disqualification with grace, Williams acknowledged the situation in an interview, emphasizing the importance of respecting the rules: “The rules is the rules and you have to go by them. It would have been nice, but also as an introvert, it’s another party I don’t have to go to.” His positive attitude about the situation underlines his resilience and adaptability.
At the recent Golden Globes held on January 5, Williams attended the event, where he was nominated but ultimately lost the award for “Forbidden Road” to the song “El Mal” from the film “Emilia Pérez.”
Looking ahead, Robbie Williams is set to launch a significant European tour later this year, and he has also revealed that he is working on a new album with contributions from legendary Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi. This creative endeavor signals an exciting new chapter in his career, promising more music for fans to enjoy.
In summary, despite the hiccup with the Oscars, Robbie Williams maintains a positive outlook as he prepares for new projects and continues to inspire fans with his music and story.