“One of Them Days” is a vibrant buddy comedy that follows two Los Angeles roommates, Dreux (Keke Palmer) and Alyssa (SZA), who find themselves in a precarious situation as they struggle to come up with rent just nine hours before eviction. The film opens with their tightfisted landlord, Uche (Rizi Timane), claiming he never received their $1,500 payment, necessitating an adventurous quest to reclaim the funds. The characters navigate through a series of absurd and comedic predicaments, reminiscent of cult classics like “Friday” and “Smiley Face.”
Directed by Lawrence Lamont and penned by Syreeta Singleton, the film brings a fresh energy to the screen, blending genres and showcasing a playful, chaotic Los Angeles backdrop. Dreux, who works the night shift at the iconic Norms diner, and Alyssa, a dreamy bohemian, team up for a day filled with adrenaline-fueled escapades. They encounter unexpected challenges, including a predatory payday lender and a bizarre neighborhood dynamic, where the stress of urban life emphasizes the lengths people go to survive.
Their comedic chemistry stands out; SZA’s Alyssa embraces a whimsical charm, contrasting with Palmer’s pragmatic Dreux. This juxtaposition enhances the film’s humor, allowing for moments of genuine investment in their fates. As they race to secure their future, the film captures the essence of friendship amidst adversity. Dreux’s aspirations of managing a Norms franchise create relatable stakes, while the friendship between the two women serves as the heart of the narrative.
The film also features a dynamic supporting cast, including Lil Rel Howery and Katt Williams, whose performances elevate the already engaging script. The humor ranges from clever one-liners to vivid character portrayals, ensuring audiences are entertained throughout.
Despite some narrative hiccups, “One of Them Days” combines a strong soundtrack and polished cinematography, making it a delightful cinematic experience. The movie ultimately offers a lighthearted perspective on the struggles of urban life, a celebration of resilience, and the importance of companionship. It reminds viewers that even in desperate times, laughter can shine through, making it a charming addition to the modern comedy landscape.