In an unexpected turn of events, a pug has emerged as the new national dog champion at the 92nd annual National Dog Show Presented by Purina, marking the first time in two decades that this lovable breed has taken the title of best in show.
The pug, named Vito, holds an impressive record, being recognized as the No. 1 pug in all show systems and the No. 2 toy dog in the United States. Vito’s accolades include winning best of breed at both the prestigious Westminster Dog Show in New York City and the AKC National Show the previous year. At just 2½ years old, Vito has already achieved a remarkable total of 25 best-in-show victories, showcasing his talent and dedication.
Co-owner Carolyn Koch from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, expressed her pride in Vito’s accomplishments, stating, “I’m so proud of him.” She affectionately referred to pugs as “her breed” and expressed her joy at Vito’s success in the dog show circuit.
This uplifting story not only highlights the charm and capability of pugs but also reinforces the idea that every breed, no matter how unconventional, can excel and capture hearts. Vito’s achievement serves as an inspiration to dog enthusiasts everywhere, illustrating the power of passion and perseverance in the world of dog shows.