Every January 1, a wealth of creative works enters the public domain, allowing them to be freely shared, adapted, and sold. This year, notable titles such as Ernest Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms,” Alfred Hitchcock’s film “Blackmail,” and the beloved characters Popeye and Tintin join the ranks. Last year marked a significant moment as the original versions of Mickey and Minnie Mouse also became public domain.
One of the most compelling examples of the power of the public domain is the musical “Wicked.” Although the film adaptation was released widely only on November 22, it quickly became the third highest-grossing film of the year in the U.S. outperformed only by a Pixar sequel and a Marvel superhero film. Both audiences and critics have praised its portrayal of the alternative backstory of familiar characters from “The Wizard of Oz,” featuring Ariana Grande as the Good Witch and Cynthia Erivo as the Wicked Witch.
“Wicked” is rooted in Gregory Maguire’s novel “Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West,” which draws extensively from L. Frank Baum’s classic 1900 work, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.” Baum’s original story, which has undergone several adaptations since its release, including the iconic 1939 film by MGM, entered the public domain in 1956 after its copyright expired.
The initial U.S. Copyright Act in 1790 allowed for 14 years of protection with a possibility for renewal. Over the decades, the duration of copyright protections has been extended, culminating in the current law that protects works for 70 years after the creator’s death. If these protections had been applied during Baum’s time, many adaptations and reimaginations—including “Wicked”—might never have existed due to the constraints posed on access to those works.
Notably, other adaptations, such as “The Wiz,” also highlight the creativity made possible by public domain access, remaining true to Baum’s original novel while diverging from MGM’s film portrayal. This ability to reinterpret and build upon past creations is vital for artistic innovation.
As public domain works like George Gershwin’s “An American in Paris” and “Rhapsody in Blue” also enter the public domain, it prompts reflection on the importance of accessibility to original works for continued inspiration and creativity across generations. This change allows new voices to breathe life into timeless stories, fostering a vibrant landscape of artistic expression.
In conclusion, the transition of these iconic works into the public domain exemplifies how society can benefit from creative freedom. It is a hopeful reminder that accessing and repurposing art can ultimately lead to the birth of fresh narratives, thereby enriching our cultural heritage.