In the first episode of Season 7 of The Rookie, John Nolan, portrayed by Nathan Fillion, grapples with intense frustration as his wife Bailey’s sociopathic ex-husband, Jason, remains at large. Fillion conveys this emotional turmoil during a discussion on the show’s aftershow, emphasizing the high stakes involved. He describes Jason as “psychotically persistent,” raising the tension as he poses a significant threat to Bailey.
The episode kicks off with Nolan optimistic about capturing Jason during a raid, but their mission does not succeed, leaving Nolan with unresolved concerns about Bailey’s safety. Bailey, currently serving with the National Guard, faces an extended deployment that keeps her out of harm’s way for the time being, which does little to alleviate Nolan’s anxiety. Despite their challenging circumstances, Fillion assures fans that their relationship remains strong. He notes, “There are going to be complications… but this is something that brings them closer together.”
A humorous highlight of the episode occurs when Nolan commandeers a scooter in pursuit of a suspect—a moment Fillion has long desired to see play out. He shares his surprise at the scooter’s speed and the careful choreography involved in filming the comedic yet action-packed scene.
As fans tune into The Rookie every Tuesday night at 10/9c on ABC, they can anticipate both the evolving dynamics between Nolan and Bailey, as well as the growth of new characters. This blend of action, humor, and relationship development keeps the series fresh and engaging.
Overall, the new season offers promise as it explores personal relationships alongside thrilling police drama, resonating with viewers who appreciate both the action and the emotional connections of the characters.