Musk’s Controversial Take on Trans Rights: “I Lost My Son”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk made controversial statements regarding his estranged transgender daughter during an interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson. Musk claimed that his daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, was “killed” after she received gender-affirming care, pledging to “destroy the woke mind virus.”

Musk described gender-reassignment surgery as “child mutilation and sterilization” and noted that Wilson came out as transgender at the age of 16 after receiving care during the COVID-19 pandemic. He expressed regret about being “tricked” into signing documents related to her transition at a time when he lacked full understanding of the situation.

He highlighted concerns about the care being provided to children who are below the age of consent and stated that he agrees with Peterson that the practice is “incredibly evil,” suggesting that advocates of such treatments should face imprisonment. Musk also mentioned that he was not informed that puberty blockers could lead to permanent sterilization.

Musk emphasized his feelings of loss associated with his daughter’s transition, saying, “I lost my son, essentially.” His comments come shortly after he announced that his companies, including Tesla, would relocate from California to Texas due in part to legislative changes related to transgender rights.

In 2022, Wilson filed for a name change and sought to sever all ties with Musk, stating in court that she no longer wished to be associated with him. Musk has previously attributed the estrangement to his daughter’s progressive education in Los Angeles, which he believes influenced her views.

In recent years, Musk, who was once perceived as center-left, has increasingly adopted right-wing perspectives on various issues, including diversity and environmental policies. Notably, he recently endorsed former President Donald Trump and Senator J.D. Vance, both of whom support the oil industry and oppose clean energy initiatives.

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