Musk’s Controversial Claims: Is His Daughter Truly “Killed” by Gender Care?

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has made controversial statements regarding his transgender daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, claiming she was “killed” after receiving gender-affirming care. He expressed his determination to “destroy the woke mind virus” during an interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson.

Musk described gender-reassignment surgery as “child mutilation and sterilization,” revealing that Wilson, who publicly came out as transgender at 16, received gender-affirming treatments during the pandemic. He expressed regret over signing documents related to her transition, stating he was misled during a time filled with confusion due to COVID-19.

He criticized the practice of giving gender-affirming care to minors, asserting that it is “incredibly evil” and suggested that those promoting such procedures should face imprisonment. Musk also argued that he was not adequately informed about the implications of puberty blockers, which he claimed are sterilization drugs, despite medical guidance stating they do not affect future fertility on their own.

Musk lamented the loss of his son in the context of Wilson’s transition, referencing the term “deadnaming.” This follows his announcement that Tesla would relocate to Texas as a reaction to California’s SAFETY Act, which influences how transgender identities are treated within schools and mandates the provision of resources for LGBTQ+ youth.

In 2022, Wilson sought a name change and new birth certificate, stating her desire to dissociate from Musk, which he attributed to the influences of her progressive school. Musk’s relationship with his daughter and his ideological shift towards right-wing positions on various social issues have been subjects of discussion in recent years, particularly as he endorsed Republican candidates aligned with the oil industry and opposed to clean energy.

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