Musk’s Controversial Claims: Is He Losing His Daughter to the ‘Woke Mind Virus’?

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has made controversial comments regarding his transgender daughter, claiming that she was “killed” after receiving gender-affirming care. This prompted him to express his intent to “destroy the woke mind virus.”

Musk shared his views during an interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson, where he referred to gender-reassignment surgery as “child mutilation and sterilization.” He said his daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, who came out as transgender at 16, received gender-affirming care during the pandemic.

Taking a critical stance, Musk revealed that he felt misled into signing documents related to his daughter’s transition, emphasizing that at the time, due to the pandemic, he was under significant stress and confusion. He expressed concern that he was informed his child might be at risk of suicide if he did not comply with the treatment.

Musk also stated that such procedures are conducted on children who are too young to consent and agreed with Peterson’s assertion that those promoting these procedures should face imprisonment. He mentioned that he was not made aware that puberty blockers could result in permanent sterilization, although it’s important to note that puberty blockers alone do not impact fertility.

He lamented the loss he feels regarding his child’s identity, stating, “I was tricked into doing this. I lost my son, essentially.” Musk’s comments come shortly after he announced that his companies, including X and SpaceX, would relocate to Texas in response to California’s AB1955, which addresses parental notification regarding transgender identity in schools and mandates state support for LGBTQ+ children.

In 2022, Wilson sought a name change and a new birth certificate, expressing in court documents her desire to sever ties with her biological father. Musk has attributed the estrangement to the progressive educational environment in Los Angeles, as outlined in Walter Isaacson’s biography.

Over the years, Musk’s political views have shifted significantly from center-left to right-wing, aligning himself with Republican figures who oppose clean energy initiatives and endorse the oil industry.

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