Musk’s Controversial Claims: Family Strife and the Woke Mind Virus

Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk recently expressed his feelings about his estranged transgender daughter, claiming she was “killed” after undergoing gender-affirming care. During an interview with psychologist Jordan Peterson, Musk vowed to “destroy the woke mind virus.” He labeled gender-reassignment surgery as “child mutilation and sterilization,” sharing that his daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, began transitioning during the pandemic at the age of 16.

Musk conveyed that he felt coerced into signing documents related to his child’s transition, stating that he was misled during a confusing time brought on by COVID-19. He recalled being told that his child might be at risk of suicide. Musk criticized the practice of providing gender-affirming care to minors, stating he agrees with Peterson that it is “incredibly evil,” and suggested that those involved in promoting it should face imprisonment. He also claimed he was not informed that puberty blockers could lead to sterilization.

The tech billionaire further lamented, “I lost my son, essentially,” reflecting on the concept of “deadnaming,” which he linked to the loss he feels regarding his relationship with his child. These statements come shortly after Musk announced plans for X and SpaceX to relocate to Texas, criticizing California’s new legislation regarding transgender rights in schools, known as AB1955 or the SAFETY Act.

Musk’s daughter applied for a name change in 2022, seeking to dissociate herself from him entirely. Musk, who has been accused of transphobic sentiments in the past, has attributed the estrangement to his daughter’s progressive education in Los Angeles. His relationship with Wilson has been noted as a contributing factor to his current anti-woke beliefs. Previously recognized for his centrist views, Musk has shifted towards right-wing perspectives on various social issues, including recent endorsements for the Republican party’s presidential candidates.

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