Musk’s Controversial Claims: Did Gender Care “Kill” His Daughter?

Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently made controversial remarks about his estranged daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, stating that she was “killed” after receiving gender-affirming care, which he attributes to a “woke mind virus.” During an interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson, Musk referred to gender-reassignment surgery as “child mutilation and sterilization.”

Musk revealed that his daughter, who came out as transgender at the age of 16, received care during the pandemic. He expressed regret for having been “tricked” into signing documents regarding her transitioning at a time when he felt overwhelmed by the circumstances surrounding COVID-19. Musk also indicated that there were concerns about Wilson’s mental health, saying he was led to believe she might attempt suicide.

He criticized the practice of providing medical interventions to minors below the age of consent and voiced agreement with Peterson’s assertion that it is “incredibly evil.” Musk further claimed he was unaware that puberty blockers functioned as sterilization drugs, asserting that he felt deceived in the process and lamenting the loss of his son.

These comments come after Musk announced that several of his companies would be relocating to Texas, citing opposition to California’s AB1955 legislation. This law prohibits schools from informing parents when their child identifies as transgender and mandates state resources for LGBTQ+ youth. Musk has previously faced accusations of transphobia and anti-trans rhetoric.

In 2022, Wilson applied for a name change and new birth certificate, expressing in court that she wished to sever ties with her father. Musk has attributed the breakdown of their relationship to Wilson’s progressive education in Los Angeles, suggesting that it has influenced her views and his subsequent political leanings. Once known for more centrist views, Musk has shifted towards right-wing rhetoric on various issues, including diversity and climate policy, recently endorsing candidates closely aligned with the oil industry and opposing clean energy initiatives.

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