Musk’s Controversial Claims: Did Gender-Affirming Care “Kill” His Daughter?

Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently stated that his estranged transgender daughter was “killed” after receiving gender-affirming care, which prompted him to declare his intent to “destroy the woke mind virus.”

These remarks were made during an interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson that aired Monday. Musk, who oversees multiple companies including X, described gender-reassignment surgery as “child mutilation and sterilization.” He shared that his daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, sought gender-affirming care during the pandemic and came out as transgender at the age of 16.

“I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys,” Musk said, addressing Wilson, who no longer uses his last name. He expressed that this decision was made during a period of confusion exacerbated by COVID-19, as he was concerned his child might be suicidal.

Musk criticized the procedures performed on minors who are typically below the age of consent. He concurred with Peterson’s assertion that such actions are “incredibly evil” and stated that those endorsing them should face imprisonment. Musk, who has 12 children and has often spoken about issues related to fertility and underpopulation, also claimed that he was not informed that puberty blockers are essentially sterilization drugs, although these blockers, in themselves, do not affect fertility.

“I was tricked into doing this,” Musk remarked. “I lost my son, essentially. They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason. The reason they call it ‘deadnaming’ is because your son is dead.”

His comments come shortly after he announced that X and SpaceX will follow Tesla in relocating to Texas, citing California’s AB1955, known as the SAFETY Act. This legislation prohibits schools from enforcing rules that require parental notification if a child identifies as transgender and mandates the State Department to provide resources for LGBTQ+ children. Musk has faced accusations of transphobia and promoting anti-trans ideologies in the past.

In 2022, Musk’s daughter applied for a name change and a new birth certificate, stating in court documents that she wishes to sever all ties with her biological father. Musk has attributed the breakdown of their relationship to her progressive school in Los Angeles, as noted in Walter Isaacson’s biography. Isaacson suggested that Musk’s strained relationship with Wilson has fueled his “anti-woke sentiments.”

Over the past few years, Musk has shifted from his formerly center-left political stance to adopt increasingly right-wing viewpoints on a variety of issues, including diversity initiatives, election fraud, and immigration. Earlier this month, he expressed support for the Republican presidential candidacy of former president Donald Trump and Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, both of whom advocate for the oil industry and oppose clean energy initiatives.

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