Musk’s Controversial Claims About Transgender Care Spark Outrage

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has made controversial remarks about his estranged transgender daughter, claiming she was “killed” after receiving gender-affirming care. During an interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson, Musk expressed his intention to “destroy the woke mind virus,” criticizing gender-reassignment surgery as “child mutilation and sterilization.”

Musk shared that his daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, came out as transgender at 16 and underwent gender-affirming treatment during the pandemic. He claimed he was misled into signing documents regarding his child’s care, citing concerns about potential suicidal tendencies. Musk emphasized his belief that such procedures are performed on minors who can’t give consent and described the practice as “incredibly evil,” suggesting that anyone advocating for it should face imprisonment.

Additionally, Musk claimed he was not informed that puberty blockers could be equated with sterilization drugs, though these medications alone do not impact fertility. He expressed feelings of having “lost” his son, referring to the term “deadnaming” as indicative of his perceived loss.

These comments surfaced following Musk’s announcement that X and SpaceX would relocate to Texas, citing dissatisfaction with California’s SAFETY Act, which limits parental notification when a child identifies as transgender. Musk has faced allegations of transphobia and anti-trans messaging in the past.

In 2022, his daughter legally changed her name and sought a new birth certificate, stating she no longer wished to be associated with Musk. Walter Isaacson’s biography on Musk notes that their strained relationship may be a factor behind his anti-woke views.

Over the past few years, Musk’s political stance has shifted from center-left to increasingly embracing right-wing ideologies, addressing topics such as diversity policies, election integrity, and immigration. Recently, he endorsed the Republican presidential ticket, including former President Donald Trump.

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