Musk’s Controversial Claims: A Family Divided by Gender Identity

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has made controversial statements regarding his estranged transgender daughter, claiming she was “killed” after receiving gender-affirming care. Musk expressed these views during an interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson, where he criticized gender-reassignment surgery, labeling it as “child mutilation and sterilization.” His daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, who came out as transgender at 16, underwent gender-affirming care during the pandemic.

Musk recounted feeling misled into supporting his child’s transition, stating he was told Wilson might commit suicide if he did not agree to the medical procedure. He expressed regret over his decision, saying he felt he lost his son in the process and referred to the practice of “deadnaming,” which is when someone is referred to by their birth name after transitioning.

His remarks follow a recent decision to relocate Tesla and other ventures to Texas, partly as a response to California’s legislation, AB1955, which limits parental notification about children identifying as transgender. Musk has previously faced accusations of transphobia and promoting anti-trans sentiments.

Wilson changed her name and sought a new birth certificate, stating she wishes not to be associated with her father. According to biographical accounts, Musk attributes the strain in their relationship to the progressive environment of her schooling.

In recent years, Musk has shifted from center-left to more right-wing viewpoints, endorsing Republican candidates and voicing opposition to clean energy initiatives.

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