Illustration of Musk's Controversial Claims: A Candid Look at Family and Gender-Affirming Care

Musk’s Controversial Claims: A Candid Look at Family and Gender-Affirming Care

Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently made controversial remarks regarding his estranged transgender daughter, claiming she was “killed” after receiving gender-affirming care. He stated this during an interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson, declaring his intent to “destroy the woke mind virus.”

Musk labeled gender-reassignment surgery as “child mutilation and sterilization,” discussing his daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, who came out as transgender at the age of 16 and received gender-affirming treatment during the pandemic. He mentioned feeling misled in signing documents concerning Wilson’s care, particularly under emotional duress related to concerns about her potential for suicide.

The CEO expressed strong disapproval of procedures being performed on minors who cannot give informed consent, agreeing with Peterson’s assertion that it is “incredibly evil” and asserting that those who advocate for such treatments should face imprisonment. Musk claimed he was unaware that puberty blockers were effectively sterilization drugs, despite evidence that these blockers alone do not impact fertility.

Musk expressed deep sorrow over the situation, saying, “I was tricked into doing this. I lost my son, essentially,” referring to the concept of “deadnaming,” which denotes calling a transgender person by their birth name post-transition.

His comments came shortly after announcing plans for his companies X and SpaceX to relocate to Texas, aligning with his stance against California’s AB1955, the SAFETY Act. This legislation prohibits schools from mandating notifications to parents when children identify as transgender and calls for the provision of support resources for LGBTQ+ youth. Musk has faced accusations of transphobia and promoting anti-trans messages in recent years.

In 2022, Wilson sought a name change and a new birth certificate, stating in court that she wished to sever all ties with her father. Musk has attributed the rift in his relationship with his daughter to the influence of her progressive school, a point highlighted in Walter Isaacson’s biography of the billionaire. The estrangement has reportedly fueled Musk’s growing alignment with anti-woke sentiments.

Once recognized for his center-left views, Musk has increasingly adopted right-wing perspectives on various issues, including immigration, election fraud, and diversity initiatives. Recently, he endorsed the Republican presidential ticket featuring former President Donald Trump and Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, both known for their opposition to clean energy initiatives.

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