Musk’s Controversial Claims: A Battle Against the “Woke Mind Virus”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk claimed that his estranged transgender daughter was “killed” following her receipt of gender-affirming care, leading him to express a desire to combat what he described as the “woke mind virus.”

Musk made these remarks during a recent interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson. He criticized gender-reassignment surgery, referring to it as “child mutilation and sterilization.” Musk’s daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, came out as transgender at the age of 16 and had received gender-affirming care during the pandemic.

In his comments, Musk expressed that he felt misled when he signed documents concerning his daughter, stating that the situation was confusing due to the pandemic. He referenced concerns that his child might be suicidal at the time. He emphasized his belief that children under the legal age of consent should not undergo such procedures and aligned himself with Peterson’s assertion that promoting these practices is “incredibly evil,” suggesting that proponents should face imprisonment.

Musk also argued that he was not informed that puberty blockers could act as sterilization drugs, despite the assertion that puberty blockers alone do not impact fertility. He lamented the loss of his son, claiming that the term “deadnaming” signifies that his son is effectively no longer alive to him.

His statements come shortly after announcing that his companies, X and SpaceX, would be relocating to Texas in response to California’s legislation, AB1955, which restricts schools from notifying parents if their child identifies as transgender and mandates state support for LGBTQ+ youth. Musk has faced accusations of transphobia and promoting anti-trans messages in the past.

In 2022, Musk’s daughter applied for a name change and a new birth certificate, wishing to sever ties with her biological father. Musk has attributed their strained relationship to progressive education influences, as detailed in Walter Isaacson’s biography. That book also suggests that Musk’s anti-woke sentiments are deeply linked to his estrangement from his daughter.

Over recent years, Musk, who previously held centrist views, has increasingly adopted right-wing perspectives on various issues, including diversity initiatives and immigration. Recently, he endorsed the Republican presidential ticket featuring former President Donald Trump and Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, both of whom advocate for the oil industry and are critical of clean energy efforts.

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