Musk’s Controversial Claim: Did Gender-Affirming Care “Kill” His Daughter?

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has made controversial statements regarding his estranged transgender daughter, claiming that she was “killed” after receiving gender-affirming care and pledging to combat what he calls the “woke mind virus.” Musk’s remarks were made during an interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson, which aired on Monday.

Musk, who oversees multiple companies including X, criticized gender-reassignment surgery, referring to it as “child mutilation and sterilization.” He disclosed that his daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, who identified as transgender at age 16, underwent gender-affirming care during the pandemic. Musk stated that he felt misled into signing documents related to his child’s transition, saying that he was under pressure due to concerns about suicide.

He argued that such procedures are administered to children “who are far below the age of consent” and expressed agreement with Peterson that promoting these actions is “incredibly evil,” suggesting that those who advocate for it should face imprisonment. Musk, a father of 12, also claimed he was not informed that puberty blockers are effectively sterilization drugs, despite evidence indicating that they do not impact fertility on their own.

Musk expressed anguish over his situation, saying, “I was tricked into doing this. I lost my son, essentially.” He attributed the term “deadnaming,” used when referring to a transgender individual by their birth name, to the loss he feels regarding his son’s identity.

These comments followed Musk’s announcement that X and SpaceX would relocate to Texas in response to California’s AB1955, known as the SAFETY Act. This law prohibits schools from requiring parental notification if a child identifies as transgender and mandates state resources for LGBTQ+ children. Musk has faced accusations of transphobia and promoting anti-trans rhetoric in the past.

In 2022, his daughter sought a name change and a new birth certificate, stating she no longer wishes to be associated with her biological father. Musk has attributed the distance in their relationship to her progressive education in Los Angeles, and biographer Walter Isaacson mentioned that this estrangement contributes to Musk’s “anti-woke” stance.

In recent years, Musk has shifted from his previously center-left political views, increasingly adopting right-wing perspectives on issues like diversity initiatives, election integrity, and immigration. Earlier this month, he publicly endorsed the Republican presidential candidacy of former President Donald Trump and Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio, both of whom oppose clean energy initiatives.

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