Musk Slams Gender-Affirming Care: ‘I Lost My Son’

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has made controversial remarks regarding his estranged transgender daughter, claiming she was “killed” after receiving gender-affirming care. In an interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson, Musk expressed his aim to “destroy the woke mind virus.”

Musk criticized gender-reassignment surgery, labeling it as “child mutilation and sterilization.” He mentioned that his daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, who came out as transgender at 16, received gender-affirming care during the pandemic. Musk stated that he felt misled when he signed documents regarding Wilson’s care, indicating that the circumstances were chaotic due to COVID-19 and concerns about potential self-harm.

He argued that such medical interventions are administered to minors who cannot legally provide consent and echoed Peterson’s sentiment that promoting these practices is “incredibly evil,” suggesting that advocates should face imprisonment. Musk, who has fathered 12 children, claimed he was unaware that puberty blockers function as sterilization drugs, despite their effects on fertility being a subject of contention.

Musk expressed deep regret, saying, “I was tricked into doing this. I lost my son, essentially,” referring to the concept of “deadnaming,” which he associates with the loss of his son. His statements follow a recent decision to move Tesla and other companies to Texas in response to California’s AB1955 legislation, which prohibits schools from notifying parents if their child identifies as transgender.

In 2022, Musk’s daughter sought a name change and new birth certificate, explicitly stating that she wants no relationship with him. He has attributed their rift to her progressive school in Los Angeles, as discussed in Walter Isaacson’s biography. Isaacson noted that this estrangement may be influencing Musk’s recent anti-woke sentiments.

Over the last few years, Musk, who previously held centrist views, has increasingly adopted right-wing perspectives on issues such as diversity initiatives and immigration. He notably endorsed the Republican presidential ticket led by former president Donald Trump and Senator J.D. Vance, both of whom advocate for fossil fuels over clean energy initiatives.

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