MrBeast, also known as Jimmy Donaldson, celebrated the premiere of his new competition series “Beast Games” at a special screening event held in Santa Monica, California, on December 18, 2024. This highly anticipated series is now streaming exclusively on Prime Video, inviting fans to join in the excitement of a reality competition that features an impressive lineup of prizes.
In “Beast Games,” over 1,000 fans will have the opportunity to compete for an array of rewards, including an astounding $5 million cash prize, which MrBeast claims is the largest in television history. The show also offers luxurious prizes such as Lamborghinis and even a private island.
Viewers can access “Beast Games” starting from December 19, with the first two episodes already available, and subsequent episodes set to be released every Thursday. The series will consist of a total of 10 episodes, culminating in the finale on February 13, 2025.
Amazon is providing exclusive merchandise related to MrBeast and “Beast Games,” including his popular Feastables chocolate bars. Additionally, MrBeast is collaborating with fellow influencer Logan Paul to launch a new competitor to the beloved snack, Lunchables.
The premiere comes amidst some challenges, including a class-action lawsuit against Amazon Studios related to allegations of a toxic work environment on set, as well as MrBeast addressing previous racially insensitive comments.
For fans interested in watching the show, a subscription to Amazon Prime or the standalone Prime Video service is required. However, new subscribers have the option to start a free trial for 30 days, enabling them to enjoy the series without immediate commitment.
As the excitement builds for “Beast Games,” it represents MrBeast’s continued expansion into new formats, combining entertainment with the thrill of competition. Despite the controversies surrounding its premiere, the show’s engaging concept and substantial prizes showcase MrBeast’s innovative approach to content creation.
In summary, “Beast Games” aims to mesmerize audiences with its unique premise, and the mix of high stakes and fan involvement has the potential to captivate viewers.