MrBeast, also known as Jimmy Donaldson, made a splash at the premiere of his new competition series, “Beast Games,” on December 18, 2024, in Santa Monica, California. Streaming exclusively on Prime Video, this highly anticipated show showcases MrBeast’s trademark wild challenges, inviting over 1,000 fans to compete for remarkable prizes including $5 million—reportedly the largest cash prize in television history—as well as luxury cars and even a private island.
“Beast Games” features a total of 10 episodes, with the first two already available for viewing. Following this, new episodes will be released weekly, with the finale set to air on February 13, 2025. To enjoy this thrilling series, viewers can subscribe to Amazon Prime or Prime Video, with new users offered a 30-day free trial.
In addition to the series launch, Amazon is selling exclusive MrBeast merchandise, including items from his brand, Feastables. MrBeast has also hinted at an upcoming collaboration with influencer Logan Paul to create a new competitor to Lunchables.
However, the premiere comes amid controversies, including a class action lawsuit against Amazon Studios related to working conditions on set, and past racially insensitive remarks made by Donaldson. These challenges remind us that even successful creators like MrBeast face scrutiny as they navigate their careers.
In summary, “Beast Games” represents a significant expansion of MrBeast’s brand into mainstream media, offering exciting entertainment while also presenting a platform for growth and redemption. Fans can look forward to thrilling episodes filled with unique challenges, all while hoping that the discussions around safety and inclusivity within the industry continue to progress positively.