Pamela Hayden, renowned for voicing characters on “The Simpsons” since its inception in 1989, has announced her retirement from the iconic animated series. The 70-year-old, who gained fame for portraying Milhouse Van Houten—Bart Simpson’s endearing yet nerdy best friend—shared the news on her Facebook page. After a remarkable 35 years, she will conclude her performances, embracing new creative ventures. Her final episode is set to air on November 24 as part of season 36.
In a heartfelt tribute video shared on “The Simpsons” official social media accounts, Hayden expressed her love for Milhouse, noting his resilience: “One thing that I love about Milhouse is he’s always getting knocked down but he keeps getting up. I love the little guy.” In addition to Milhouse, Hayden has lent her voice to a variety of characters throughout the series, including Jimbo Jones, one of Milhouse’s bullies. Milhouse’s distinctive blue hair, large round glasses, and clumsy, shy demeanor have made him a beloved figure in Springfield, thanks to Hayden’s unique vocal portrayal.
Pamela Hayden’s departure marks the end of an era for “The Simpsons,” but it also opens up opportunities for her to explore different creative paths. Her contributions to the show have left an indelible mark, and her characters will continue to resonate with fans. As she embarks on this new chapter, it is hopeful that Hayden’s next endeavors will bring her joy and new inspiration, just as Milhouse brings resilience and humor to audiences everywhere.