The Duchess of Sussex has officially revealed her upcoming Netflix series titled “With Love, Meghan.” This eight-part lifestyle show, set to premiere on January 15, features a unique blend of practical advice and open conversations, aimed at inspiring viewers. Each episode will be approximately 30 minutes long and will showcase various celebrity guests, including actress Mindy Kaling and former “Suits” star Abigail Spencer.
In a trailer released recently, Meghan is seen engaging in various activities, such as garnishing a cake with fresh raspberries, harvesting honey, and preparing meals in her California home, where she resides with Prince Harry and their two children. Posting about the show on her new Instagram account, @meghan, she expressed her excitement, stating, “I have been so excited to share this with you! I hope you love the show as much as I loved making it.”
The show aims to offer viewers tips and tricks for incorporating joy into their daily lives rather than striving for perfection. Meghan is quoted in the trailer saying, “We’re not in the pursuit of perfection… we’re in the pursuit of joy.” Alongside her, Kaling humorously reflects on their time together, saying, “this is probably one of the most glamorous moments of my life,” prompting a hearty laugh from Meghan.
Other notable guests scheduled to appear include renowned chefs Roy Choi and Alice Waters, who will join Meghan in creating moments of joy in everyday life, as emphasized in the trailer’s tagline: “Everyone’s invited to create wonder in every moment.” Prince Harry also makes a brief appearance, highlighting the couple’s love and family life, which adds a personal touch to the series. Their dog, Guy, even gets a moment in the spotlight.
This series represents a new chapter for Meghan, showcasing her interests and personal style while reconnecting with fans through social media and entertainment. As she ventures into this new project, there is hope that it will resonate with those seeking a sense of warmth and inspiration in their everyday lives.
Overall, “With Love, Meghan” promises to be a refreshing approach to lifestyle programming, inviting viewers to find joy in simple moments and fostering a community of creativity and connection.