Max Verstappen, the renowned Formula One driver, announced on Friday that he and his girlfriend, Brazilian model Kelly Piquet, are expecting their first child. This exciting news was shared through an Instagram post featuring a sweet photo of the couple, accompanied by the caption: “Mini Verstappen-Piquet on the way.”
At 27 years old, Verstappen is currently enjoying an impressive stint in Formula One, having recently secured his fourth consecutive championship title. Even with one race remaining in the 2024 season, Verstappen’s solid performance, including a fifth-place finish at the Las Vegas Grand Prix, has guaranteed him an unassailable lead in the points standings.
Verstappen’s journey in Formula One began in 2014 when he debuted with Scuderia Toro Rosso, later transitioning to Red Bull Racing in 2016. Since then, the Dutch and Belgian racer has consistently outperformed, securing at least sixth place in the points standings every year since his first victory with Red Bull in 2016. His extraordinary success is further highlighted by 19 race wins last season and nine wins this season, ranking him third on the all-time career win list, trailing only Lewis Hamilton and Michael Schumacher.
This joyful personal milestone comes alongside Verstappen’s professional achievements, showcasing that he is not only a formidable competitor on the track but also gearing up to embrace the joys of fatherhood. This balance of personal and professional success creates a heartwarming narrative that reminds fans and followers of the human side of sports icons.
As Verstappen prepares for this new chapter in his life, it’s a moment that underlines the excitement of new beginnings, both in family and career.