Luxury Travel with a Personal Touch: Inside Sienna Charles’ Exclusive World

When Jaclyn Sienna India started Sienna Charles, her boutique travel concierge service, in 2008, she was committed to presenting herself confidently, even before she had established a client base. She recalls how her husband doubted her, as she would take calls from potential clients excited about their travel plans to places like Disney or New Jersey, only to respond that her services were fully booked for high-net-worth individuals, despite her lack of clients at the time.

Fast forward sixteen years, and India’s strategy has proven successful. Her clientele now includes prominent figures like former President George W. Bush and celebrities such as Mariah Carey. She caters exclusively to clients with annual earnings exceeding $100 million, individuals who seem to have all they could want. Yet, India provides something they can’t obtain on their own: a personal touch and deep care.

India explains, “My clients are incredibly powerful and well-connected, but that doesn’t always lead to results. It’s the care and personal touch that makes the difference.” Having worked as a server for five years prior to her business, she learned to understand people and emphasize their needs.

Sienna Charles boasts an extensive network of over 2,000 contacts within the hospitality industry, which enables India to craft exclusive travel and dining experiences for her clients. She adeptly understands her clients’ desires, often interpreting their visions with minimal guidance, thereby creating unique experiences.

Her mission is not just about access to luxurious venues, but about enriching her clients’ experiences. For instance, she finds certain well-known venues lack excitement and chooses not to promote them. Instead, she highlights alternative options that may offer more intriguing experiences.

Often, India’s arrangements are exceptional and distinct. She has organized candlelit dinners in Versailles and brunch on the Arc de Triomphe. She also emphasizes connecting her clients with notable figures, having organized meals with prominent families like Hermes and Fendi.

However, she also values simplicity when requested. For example, when arranging travel for Bush to Ethiopia, she made sure he had familiar comforts like peanut butter and non-alcoholic beer, and he was welcomed by children wearing Texas Rangers caps.

“My genuine care for people sets my service apart,” India notes. She engages with everyone from cab drivers to restaurant staff to recommend the most engaging options for her clients, emphasizing that real experiences encompass more than just luxury — they include authenticity and meaningful connections.

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